PowerWood facilities find their home in Agassiz, British Columbia, Canada spanning 12.2 acres in the enchanting Fraser Valley, situated on the ancestral lands of the Cheam, Sts’ailes, Sq’éwlets, and Seabird Island people.
Spread across 110,000 square feet of dry space, our Agassiz facilities are meticulously designed to efficiently produce a diverse array of specialty and commodity products, overseeing the entire journey from raw material to the final, finished product.
Boasting full re-manufacturing capabilities, our on-site offices and operations contribute to a level of control over inventory and production systems that is truly exceptional. The cleanliness and organization of our facilities ensure that everything is within arm’s reach, flexible, and continually open to improvement and monitoring.
We’ve implemented a precise cataloging system in our computer records, detailing the exact location of each piece of lumber. Regular inventory checks are conducted to maintain accuracy and uphold our commitment to quality control.