Cedar Wood Suppliers

On Time. On Grade. On Budget. It's Covered!

As a Western Canadian cedar wood supplier, our brand symbolizes consistency. We strive daily to minimize variation from order to order, aiming for zero discrepancies. Our ongoing objective is to deliver products that enable customers to establish consistent programs with clients, maintain favorable cash flows, and eliminate guesswork when purchasing high-end Western red cedar products.

To communicate this brand message, we’ve adopted the slogan: On time. On grade. On budget. It’s Covered.

Our knowledge of the product mix and price levels of Western red cedar demanded in those markets is second to none. Our business is complex and we employ only sales people who fully understand the products we sell and the markets we service.

We’re here for you.

We always ensure there is at least one salesperson in the office Monday to Friday from 7am to 5pm to be available for you. We work all holidays that are not shared by both Canada and the US; so we’re here Canada day and the fourth of July!

PowerWood Team photo

Meet Our Team

Our team of knowledgeable experts are here to help!

Our team is made up of knowledgeable individuals, all with lumber backgrounds. Most have spent time in operations and quality control and all have their grading tickets.

Along with knowing the products, our sales people know their markets. For years we have been active in

  • Eastern and Western Canada
  • in the USA along the West Coast
  • Northeast and Midwest
  • the UK
  • Mainland Europe
  • China some other smaller markets
Meet the Team


Searching for the perfect profile for your building needs? Our team of experts are here to help.